How does AWS Lambda support eol node.js versions
... how is it that AWS is able to provide security patches to Node.js?
The code for Node.js is open source. If an issue gets known anybody can create a fix and ship it, including AWS. This is not ...
How to make S3 Presigned url single use only?
Solution #1 is viable but only if the source bucket is versioned and the Lambda function writes to a database that supports strongly consistent reads, because that's the only way you can tell ...
How to make S3 Presigned url single use only?
I think the best solution is to create an incrementation Lambda (with pre-signed-url response), as a proxy, that checks the version of a DynamoDB write. That gives the real url only if it is a first ...
What is the use case of request signing in this mobile app?
You're right. The mobile app developer is incorrect. There is NO reason to share the SecretKey.
In fact they should not ship it with the application.
There's an engineering principle that ...
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