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copy's user avatar
copy's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
50 votes

How can I protect myself from this kind of clipboard abuse?

30 votes

CSS based attacks

20 votes

Is ECDSA breakable by quantum computers?

17 votes

How safe is Tor from MITM/snooping attacks?

10 votes

Why some sites are not shown when embedding them in an iframe?

9 votes

How do I protect myself from clickjacking attacks?

8 votes

Detecting Tor proxy by reading request headers

7 votes

Javascript Diffie-Hellman and AES protocols

6 votes

IMG tag vulnerability

5 votes

Securely render SVG

4 votes

How would one verify that the public key from WhatsApp's servers belongs to the person I expect it to?

4 votes

Identify code being run on website

3 votes

What other place (besides libc) attacker redirect control flow to after an attack such as buffer-overflow succeeded

2 votes

Logging in a user after password reset via link

1 vote

Dom xss posibility question?

1 vote

CSRF protection with cookie and AJAX