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Questions tagged [nat]

Network Address Translation, or NAT, is a method of remapping an IP address from one IP space to another (for example the internet to your local 192.168.x address) by modifying the IP address information in the IP datagram while they're in transit.

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Identifying user behind a router [closed]

I have a small intranet, in which I have complete control over its deployment. I can even do MiTM, packet inspection/injection etc. There is a router and then there are 5 users behind the routers. The ...
Johnny's user avatar
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UNC Path Injection Testing over NAT

I am penetration tester. I am struggling to check for UNC path injections in the web apps because of the environment that I am in. I am conducting a pentest of a web app in my company's local network. ...
aXXo's user avatar
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-2 votes
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How I can access to home CCTVS form laptop? [closed]

I want to see my CCTV camers at home, when i am not home, but I know the Publick Ip address and NAT address (private addreess) of CCTV registrator. Manifacture of Camers is Hikvision home I am using ...
Artur Luckyanenko's user avatar
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VPN for accessing server behind home router

We have a server setup on our private network for various things. I'd like to be able to access services on this machine whether I'm at home, or on the road. Our provider is Starlink, which does not ...
slambeth's user avatar
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-5 votes
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My Tutors reasoning of how NAT provides security [closed]

I don't consider NAT a security measure at all but here is my teachers reasoning of how NAT provides security. My course has been appalling and this reasoning is just laughable to me. This is a £3000 ...
Capcom's user avatar
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Is NAT66 increasing security?

NAT is so standard for IPv4 that nobody thinks about it but for IPv6 it's considered a really bad option. (Article from APNIC) Of course there's the stateless NPTv6 and the firewall can be configured ...
Philip's user avatar
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IPv6 address leaking despite VPN?

Given that commands like ifconfig or ip address don't require root privileges, apps can access information about ip address. If you use ipv4, you are normally behind NAT and apps would get an address ...
lolz's user avatar
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Internet connection issues with new cable broadband (100/10) service, intermittently able to reach neighbor's management interface at 192.168.x.x?

I'm unfamiliar with coax broadband provisioning specifics with new (100/10) service in a residential neighborhood, and intermittently getting Internet disconnections and interestingly discovered the ...
user3298772's user avatar
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Is enabling software flow-offloading in OpenWRT's firewall settings dangerous?

First of all, I did ask this on OpenWrt Forums already, I thought maybe someone here knows this. I noticed that my internet speed gets limited when this feature is not enabled, this feature is also ...
Sir Muffington's user avatar
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Methods for device enumeration behind NAT and its prevention [duplicate]

What methods do exist for enumeration devices behind a NAT from the upstream connection? I found sflow which uses TTL values. Are there other ways? I think this is partially related to OS ...
ashrafkhan's user avatar
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Windows Firewall allows the connection to more than one user who shares the same external IP address

I wrote a stand-alone anticheat. When the client anticheat connects to its server, the server creates a firewall rule allowing the game client to gain access to the server. The problem is the firewall ...
David Figueras Tamame's user avatar
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Is opening all ports on a router safe if it is simply redirection to a VPN server at

The motive for doing this is that I want to open other ports so that I can evade firewalls which block VPN connections. Instead of redirecting eg. port 53 or 123, I could simply set up a destination ...
The Legend 27's user avatar
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How to Prevent Attacker from Abusing IPv4-embedded IPv6 to Bypass Security Mechanism?

Section 5.3 of RFC6052 explained how an attacker could abuse the NAT64 translation mechanism to bypass security mechanism such as firewall or IDS/IPS if those devices only have an IPv4 blacklist. The ...
maximillian1's user avatar
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How to ban IP address behind NAT

I am creating WebSocket server with rust and tokio and I want to prevent DDos attacks and spams. So I thought of creating HashMap and inserting IP address for 1 hour which i suspect is trying to do ...
voldimot's user avatar
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Direct access to clients behind NAT [closed]

We have a client/server application which we set a port for both server and client to listen to and then enter a list of clients as IP (Host)/Port pair in the server's admin panel for monitoring ...
user3067948's user avatar
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Can the Police trace an internal user which is behind a shared IP?

Can the Police or any other lawful body obtain information about a criminal from the ISP knowing such things as the shared IP (the NAT, I believe?), timestamps, visited websites etc.?
Mateusz Sowiński's user avatar
4 votes
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Security implications of using public subnets in AWS VPC for hosting web and job servers

I have been using AWS for hosting personal projects, mostly in the form of containerized Django web apps running on ECS with Fargate. I have referenced this article to better understand Fargate task ...
briancaffey's user avatar
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How dangerous is it to open my DNS server to the world?

I'm using pihole as my DNS on the LAN but I'm trying to use it as my "global" DNS server wherever I am on the planet. One solution is to use a VPN on my LAN and pihole being set as the default DNS ...
Ozwaldo's user avatar
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How to attack a specific computer behind a NAT using remote buffer overflow [duplicate]

I know the victim's public ip of his router, and also the victim runs a program that is vuln to a remote buffer overflow. How does an attacker attack this victim computer with just an exploit that ...
Dzinosky's user avatar
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Is it possible to gather information about a destination-nat host?

Let's say that I'm connected to a network where the ISP has setup a dst-nat from an IP they don't control to an IP that they control,like so: 1- Their DNS server resolves to (the ...
MOHAMMAD RASIM's user avatar
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Can a magical packet traverse thru a NAT?

In the case of "normal" tightened security where no DMZ, Port Forwarding is setup is it possible with any of the available NAT traversal methods for a magic packet to traverse thru a NAT from the ...
Sir Muffington's user avatar
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Remote code execution over WAN

Say I am on a a computer behind a NAT and I want to execute an RCE exploit on another computer behind a different NAT(note that no ports are forwarded to the victim's computer on his/her NAT) Could I ...
Bzzzz..'s user avatar
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Can NAT Table be vulnerable toward any poisoning attacks?

I am learning the general concept of network security, and becomes aware of two poisoning attacks on the network infrastructures, that is, DNS poisoning attacks and ARP poisoning attacks. They are ...
lllllllllllll's user avatar
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How to block all inbound traffic from a specific Internet address or subnet using TomatoUSB router software (LINUX based)

I'm not trained in Linux, but I think I found the solution to my problem documented, but it is not working as expected. I am NOT an iptables guru, I'm learning as I go. A Russian IP is trying to ...
appDeveloper's user avatar
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Is public and local IP addresses of computer behind NAT a sensitive information? [duplicate]

So I'm playing with WebRTC and I've found that you can get public IP and local IP of other computer. Here is my code that show IP (the code is used ...
jcubic's user avatar
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How safe is NAT in keeping my private network private

To extend on How can a webpage scan my local, internal network from the Internet? how safe is my private network against possible threats like DoS attacks, spoofing attacks, revealing info about my ...
Sir Muffington's user avatar
3 votes
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How does the website "" detect the LAN router IPaddress and the LAN device IP address as well as the WAN gateway router IP address?

The website can be used to resolve the public internet WAN IP address of a gateway router. However, it also shows the the private lan IP address of the gateway router and ...
Riker's user avatar
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ASA VTI NAT policy options

I am using a virtual tunnel interface to connect my ASA to a router in order to use BGP between the two. The inside network on the ASA ( needs to use source NAT to make it appear to the ...
Daveba123's user avatar
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Differentiating identical requests from different computers in a local network

On the same local network, we have two identical computers (a) and (b) which have identical software installed which send identical HTTP headers and requests to the same server, except for the url ...
forthrin's user avatar
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How to set up a beef hook on another VM's browser in a NAT Network in VirtualBox

I'm reading "Practical Web Penetration Testing". I'm using VirtualBox to run two VMs: Windows 7 with Mutillidae and KaliLinux where I want to use Beef. Both are connected to a Nat Network ...
Hillfias's user avatar
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Is a DoS attack possible on a single home connection when the ISP uses NAT?

Today almost all ISPs use a NAT system to assign more people the same IP (at least where I am), probably because the IPv4 addresses are ending and they want to save money. Is it possible to make a DoS ...
Chi non salta Pavarotti è's user avatar
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How to detect a DoS attack if today all use network address translation?

If a basic DoS attack can be handled by limiting the number of connections that occur in a interval of time with one IP and some enterprises and institutions use network address translation with many ...
BlueSeph's user avatar
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IPsec Transport Mode NAT Traversal Security Risks

The strongSwan FAQ states: NAT-Traversal with IPsec transport mode has some inherent security risks. What kind of security risks is the documentation referring to? (links to other resources are ...
Jens Moser's user avatar
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Can ISP distinguish/identify devices behind NAT?

Let's say I have a PC and a smartphone, both connected to my home router. Scenario #1. The PC and the smartphone have VPN client installed on each device. Both devices connect to the same VPN server ...
ispnat's user avatar
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Nmap only detect virtual hosts and not physical hosts (maybe segmented network)

When my network settings is set to NAT and interface is eth0, this is the output of a simple nmap scan root@pc:~# nmap Starting Nmap 7.60 ( ) at 2018-03-04 18:47 EST ...
Max Roatta's user avatar
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Why is NAT referred to as "the poor man's firewall"? [duplicate]

How exactly does NAT protect a network? How does it relate to a firewall?
Kellen Stuart's user avatar
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IPv6 and NAT firewall effect

It seems that people still argue on whether to use NAT with IPv6 for its side-role as a firewall hiding inner network from the outside (providing user anonymity and security as well). I am wondering ...
sasuke_X220's user avatar
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Why do cellphones not use software to simulate a NAT router between the phone and the internet?

Connecting through wifi adds the benefit of being behind NAT. Why do cellphones not simulate being behind a nat network when connecting directly to the internet to limit the attack surface? Or, is ...
flerb's user avatar
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Using IPsec through NAT

I have read that it is recommended to encapsulate IPsec packets into UDP (port 4500) packets in order to circumvent NAT. Could anyone please provide a detailed explanation of the reasons behind this ...
sasuke_X220's user avatar
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How to defend against attacker without affecting other users of same NAT gateway

I am implementing a web service and have a daemon process that notices repeated failed login attempts from any given source. If too many occur the IP address is blocked for a given time. This is ...
AlanObject's user avatar
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Is DHCP spoofing ever possible on VMware?

So I've just watched this Defcon video: Apparently they were able to set up a rouge DHCP server and get a 50/50 chance of sending the victim the ...
Lew Wei Hao's user avatar
12 votes
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How to directly connect to devices behind NAT from the internet?

We have an IP address on the global internet: "A" We only have access to "A". We have a network behind a router that does NAT: There is a client behind that NAT: "B" We don't have ...
Marina Ala's user avatar
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Client security using UDP

Introduction I am currently trying to build up a networking layer for Unity from scratch. Currently I am testing the communication via UDP using Node.js for the server and the client. However I guess ...
Bee's user avatar
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Meterpreter (Metasploit) anonymous reverse connection over Tor2web

The general consensus seems to be that one sets up a listener on a server accessible by a public IP and some port forwarding. For anonymity this should be a throw-away server or a hacked box. I've ...
Polarsbear's user avatar
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How can a website block IPs behind a NAT?

Will a website be able to block my IP address alone somehow, while I am running a security tool behind my NAT? Or will it block my ISPs gateway IP?
No_Name__'s user avatar
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how to block pop up with iptables

Although I have enabled the pop up blocker in firefox, there are many websites that are able to circumvent this feature. (for example movie streaming sites like My question is not really ...
ph0t3k's user avatar
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Port forwarding border router security

Few days ago I was asking where to place the OpenVPN Access Server to provide network conectivity to LAN resources for remote users. While looking at the admin guide one of the few options is "One ...
cyzczy's user avatar
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NAT Mac address leak to Internet

Recently in the leaked 0-day exploit for Tor browser, whole shellcode's purpose was getting user's MAC address and sending it to the servers which people are suspecting that exploit was developed by ...
John McKean's user avatar
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IoT devices with public IP?

My understanding of worms like Mirai is the following: Try to telnet/ssh into random IPs using default user/pass credentials from various router/IoT manufacturers If you get in, do Bad Things™. It ...
Elliot Gorokhovsky's user avatar
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Detecting Router (NAT) via port scan

I am developing a simple port scanner using Python, Scapy, nmap module. I want to detect if the host which I apply the port scan is a router or not. How can I identify or guess if the host is a router?...
ccca's user avatar
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