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1 answer

Key Hash With Securely-Optimal Setting : For Encryption vs For Password

Do you have to make a key hash with securely-optimum setting (eg. 100MB memlimit, 3 opslimit) for encryption ? So I'm making a text encryption function with javascript, using XChaCha20-Poly1305 and ...
Agus Setiawan's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Is there any good way of calculating a brain-generated password's entropy?

After reading this post, I understand that a password's entropy depends on the assumptions made when it is to be attacked (e.g. if it is generated randomly from a list of 2048 words, etc.). Let's ...
Martel's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Why did WebAuthn beat PAKEs as the preferred password replacement?

Apple and now Google are releasing products that are built on WebAuthn as a replacement for traditional username + passwords. Why did this technology beat out PAKEs?
Prime's user avatar
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1 answer

Cryptographic hash functions and personal password management [duplicate]

Background: I've always reused same username/password on all websites and got hacked regularly. I am considering using a password manager, but I don't like the need of storing a database. So I came up ...
Phastasm's user avatar
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How are the values of stored firefox credit cards encrypted? And how does one decrypt those?

While researching about the safety of web browsers I made my own program that can decrypt stored credentials, cookies, and other information of different browsers to see for myself how easy it is. ...
Void's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Password based RSA encryption

I recently learned (read) the math behind RSA encryption (algorithm). Now, I wonder if there is a way to use a custom password instead of the private key. Imagine a web application, where user signs ...
Appaji Chintimi's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Store a password as an identifier (as safely as possible)... since there is no other choice

I have to deal with a place that has some terrible security practices. For example, this place gives people passwords (eg. domain logon on Windows, but paired with their name as the username) that is ...
throwaway29018's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why is entropy measured in bits?

I use KeePassXC to generate and store passwords. For example, generating a password with a length of 128 characters without using the extended ASCII character table, the entropy is about 770 - 800 ...
dokichan's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Does using a random number of iterations for PKBDF2-SHA256 help if I only have to protect one key used to encrypt a password protecteded file? [duplicate]

I read about Recommended # of iterations when using PBKDF2-SHA256? I have also read in Why not just use a small but unusual number of hashing rounds? that when there are multiple password to protect, ...
Antonio's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How can I use a unique salt for each user

I know there are various questions that seem similar, for instance, this one. However, it does not answer my question. I'm creating a signup/login system (with node.js to be particular), and I'm ...
ublec's user avatar
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1 answer

How to create a secure password for a Java keystore?

What would be the recommended approach (industry standard) for generating a password for a Java keystore that contains TLS certificates? In the event that the keystore is obtained, an attacker would ...
JohnnyBoy's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How are passwords stored in the database of a decentralized peer to peer system?

I want to use username and password instead of public key cryptography for a decentralized peer-to-peer application, but since the passwords are stored on users' computers, there is a possibility of ...
coderdd's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Using timingSafeEqual

I've seen code like this: if(password.length !== allowedPassword.length || !crypto.timingSafeEqual(password, allowedPassword)) So timingSafeEqual is supposed to use the same amount of time to ...
Alex's user avatar
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Where and how to store admin account credentials for enterprise systems?

To my understanding, password-protected spreadsheets are not best practice for storing admin creds, whether it's a company of 5 people or a company of 50,000 people. In such a case, what are some best ...
user3621633's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Replace hashing function with asymmetric cryptography when password authentication

I would like to know if the following ideas are feasible: Hash function is one-way function. Generate public key from private key is irreversible(asymmetric cryptography). User password entry -> ...
W.K.Wei's user avatar
1 vote
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John The Ripper and PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1

I am trying to hash a list of passwords with PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1 and then crack them using John. However, John does not recognise the hashes and I get a No Hashes Found error. It works with SHA256, but I ...
Canine's user avatar
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0 answers

How does android boot and shows notifications with full encryption but without pre-boot authentication

i have android 5.1 (motorola moto g xt1039). i encrypted the phone and set screen password. then after every password change i can choose one of an two options: 'require the password at startup' '...
piotrek's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How can one test if a password generator is cryptographically secured?

Given the plethora of random password generators (RPG) available, I'd like to do some black box testing on some. Let's take for example. Assuming the whole generator ...
ChocolateOverflow's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What are the steps of hashing and steps of verifying password using salt and key? [duplicate]

What are the steps of hashing password during registration and login to an application using salt and key? Are the following steps considered correct if applied to an application?: 1- During ...
JuniorDeveloper's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to store a user's password in a database in 2019? [duplicate]

This question, but focused on .NET's given PBKDF2 implementation, has been asked here now. Situation I am currently updating a password storage mechanism for a website. My plan for storing a ...
Raphael Schmitz's user avatar
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0 answers

How long shall a password be to resist a botnet brute force? [duplicate]

Imagine that I'm an evil genius, and I had the brilliant idea of creating a botnet for brute forcing passwords. Or I'm just the owner of the Echelon, and I have a farm of distributed servers around ...
Alberto Salvia Novella's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

How is the strength of a key/Password determined

I was reading about the Principle of Key Sizes and came across this table: The deduction I made off this is that after a certain key size, increase in a single bit causes Time required for search to ...
Vasu Deo.S's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Plausible way to hack website keeping [username / hashed password] pairs?

I was reading that a lot of authentication systems use cryptographic hash functions, whereby instead of keeping the username and password of their users they just keep the username and a hash of the ...
jeremy radcliff's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Decrypt hash using dicionary attack

Let's consider that I'm the attacker and have access to hashes of passwords of a given database against which I will attempt a dictionary attack. My question is: Will I be able to find out by ...
Pedro Almeida's user avatar
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1 answer

When encrypting password hashes, how to handle nonces?

I know that encrypting password hashes is a contentious issue. However, I have seen it recommended in some quarters. I know for instance that DropBox did this at one time with AES256. In these cases, ...
Prime's user avatar
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bcrypt.checkpw() returning true for different salt+hash

new user here. I've tried searching for an answer but I don't think I know the correct terms to search for. I've tried things like "bcrypt same password different hash" but can't find an answer to my ...
Deon Tan's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Can password strength be enforced with PAKE protocols?

Can a password strength policy i.e.: must contain at-least 8 chars must contain one uppercase letter must contain one lowercase letter must contain one number Be enforced if a PAKE protocol is used, ...
Reality's user avatar
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1 answer

An authentication protocol to prevent phishing & solve the problem of password reuse?

When writing about best practices for authentication, I find that today's best practices still leave gaping holes in security, specifically not solving the problem of password reuse by users - ...
Reality's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How should I share the key of the AES algorithm in each client?

My doubt would be the following: How should each client know the encryption key? Using the AES algorithm. (or the best way): Save it in a file encrypted by password? Save it in a DB? Send it over ...
mndv's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How much less secure is a password with a repetitive pattern of characters?

I want to make sure my password is very difficult to bruteforce but also easy to remember and convenient. So my idea is to just use a short password and repeat it a few times like this: ...
Jeff Kendall's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What is a collision attack in simple terms? [closed]

I'm not a security expert but I've got interested in Cryptography and I'm reading about it. I was trying to find out which is the best between SHA256, Bcrypt and MD5 when it comes to hashing ...
Csharpnewbie's user avatar
6 votes
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OpenSSL: what's the difference between -kfile and -pass?

It seems both -kfile and -pass can be used to encrypt files with a 2048 bit keyfile? I don't understand the difference between the two methods: $ openssl enc -salt -aes-256-cbc -in inputfile.txt -...
user189837's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Why is SHA-256 not good for passwords? [duplicate]

I've just started learning about all of this and I can't really find an answer for that anywhere, namely why is SHA-256 not used for passwords? I found that the reason is that because normal SHA-256 ...
Wiktor's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

What could an attacker do if they gained access to PBKDF2 hashes?

This is regarding a web application where a user has to login with their personal email as the ID, and a password they have chosen personally. If an attacker somehow gained access to a credential ...
deltzy's user avatar
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Is there a way to send a password over JSONP (GET) over HTTPS (SSL)? Crypto maybe?

I understand sending passwords in the clear over GET is not considered secure because the query string can be logged by multiple eavesdroppers. However if I REALLY need to use JSONP to submit a ...
Emilio's user avatar
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2 answers

Bcrypt data type and length?

I'm using the following library for hashing my password. string password = BCrypt.Net.BCrypt.HashPassword("stackoverflow"); The length is apparently 60 each time. My question is, I'm planning to ...
Black Panther's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to securely handle a login system [duplicate]

I'm making a desktop application in C# and I want to know If I'm handling this (from security perspective) as should be or not. My Users table have both hashed_password and salt, both are binary(32). ...
Black Panther's user avatar
5 votes
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Bruteforce FileVault Encryption?

I've been getting into forensics and penetration testing lately and hoping someone can explain what the below data is and how it might be used to perform a bruteforce (hashcat) attacks against ...
kepihu's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it good practice to store information about a subkey inside a hash?

I recently wrote out a small javascript library that allows you to verify identity server password hashes in nodeJS. While I was doing the research I learnt that the type of hash, iterations and salt ...
li x's user avatar
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Using an in-browser tabula recta to generate passwords

I've been working on an idea for a stateless password manager, inspired by this blog post. I'm using a in-browser pseudo-random number generator (seedrandom.js) seeded with a user's master password to ...
pst0102's user avatar
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Are passwords longer than 128 bits useless if hashed with MD5? [duplicate]

Are passwords that are longer than 128 bits useless if they get hashed/transmitted with MD5? MD5 always uses 128 bits, thus someone would rather try to bruteforce the MD5-hash than the password ...
Swizzler's user avatar
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3 votes
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Password Hashing Flaw

Disclaimer: I know about the dangers of rolling your own auth, this example is intended to be used in a demo for various hashing methods. I wrote this Node.js func to run server side to reinforce ...
TrickyDupes's user avatar
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Encryption key split into parts and stored in different places

Say, I have encrypted data in a database. How wise is it to break a secret encryption key into several parts and save each one in a different place? Namely: key1 = get_key1_from_remote_server() ...
Incerteza's user avatar
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Is my BCrypt variant ($2a$) fine, up to date and secure?

As far as I know, there are a couple of BCrypt variants and I also understood that some of those variants have security flaws so I was wondering whether it is fine or not that the library which I am ...
Itay080's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Is SHA-256 + Salt still safe for password storage? [duplicate]

I am developing a website which requires users to register to it in order to use it's functions and I was wondering if SHA-256 + salt (random salt provided by RNGCryptoServiceProvider in C#) is ...
Itay080's user avatar
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5 answers

Cryptography: Encrypting with password without storing it

I'm working on a desktop application where we handle sensitive data and we want to encrypt local files with a password that we ask the user when he opens the application. On most similar project, we ...
zer0x64's user avatar
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1 answer

Append or prepend a salt to a password? [duplicate]

Does it matter how I add a salt to a password in my application: by appending it or by prepending? # 1 res = sha256(salt + password) # 2 res2 = sha256(password + salt) I've been told that the 2nd ...
Incerteza's user avatar
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Storing user's social media passwords

I'm trying to understand how a service Snaplytics trusted by some high brand companies is able to collect their clients password for snapchat and store them in their db while being able to log in to ...
testinggnitset ser's user avatar
1 vote
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Securing passphrase on DB

I have stored encryption keys on the database that are encrypted with a passphrase. To decrypt it the owner/user must login using his passphrase, and that will be used to decrypt the encrypted keys on ...
Eldon Hipolito's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Nesting bcrypt + PHPass for improving the security of password storage in legacy software?

I've been tasked with improving the security of the password storage of a site which currently uses Openwall's PHPass. All the hashes will be converted at once, i. e. we don't want to wait for the ...
MM.'s user avatar
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