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Elias's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Belgium
29 votes

How secure is Chrome storing a password?

22 votes

How secure are password managers with account recovery?

17 votes

What can cause a changed ssh fingerprint?

11 votes

What is problem with open source anti-virus

9 votes

How wise is it to use a tool for portspoofing at your server to confuse attackers?

5 votes

What is the use of nonces in HTTPS APIs

4 votes

Is it a security risk to allow index listing of the .well-known/acme-challenge directory?

4 votes

Keyboard entry obfuscation to defy keyloggers?

4 votes

What is the risk of a PDF "infected" with BC.Pdf.Exploit.CVE_2017_3033?

4 votes

Does the choice of protocol affect the efficiency of a DOS attack?

4 votes

Web Service Authentication Using PBKDF2 and a Public Salt - Does the salt need to change on every request?

3 votes

What is a more secure network topology, star or mesh?

3 votes

How do I track bash history cleanup?

3 votes

mifare desfire ev1 security with wiegand and rs485

3 votes

Securely storing passwords in cloud

2 votes

Why send HMAC in reverse direction when performing verified DH with downgrade protection?

2 votes

Is an SSL VPN instead of a normal VPN a good idea?

2 votes

Is it safe to use this embedded ftp server?

2 votes

Can a secure cookie be set from an insecure HTTP connection? If so, why is it allowed?

2 votes

Is there a risk of using AEAD encryption algorithms when the key is generated from a password?

2 votes

SSL / TLS Ciphersuites

2 votes

Fuzzing: Quickly find the exact number of bytes

1 vote

Visible anti counterfeiting in a mobile app?

1 vote

Why not sandbox websites instead of using Same-Origin-Policy?

1 vote

Dual Code Signing: Should SHA-1 signature have a SHA-1 or SHA-2 timestamp?

1 vote

how to arpspoof when the AP prevent clients from seeing each others?

1 vote

Is LineageOS More Secure than Android Vanilla?

1 vote

Wireless EAP-TLS implementing on Medical Wireless Device

1 vote

ECC How to exchange signed and encrypted data

1 vote

Trouble understanding the explanation of "server certificate" message in RFC 5246?