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borcho's user avatar
borcho's user avatar
  • Member for 3 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
7 votes

Suspicious GitHub fork

5 votes

Does creating an Evil Twin require the network password in order to work?

5 votes

How to harden Adobe Acrobat and Acrobat Reader

4 votes

Parrot OS live vs Tails

3 votes

ssh login attempts still showing up even with password login disabled?

2 votes

Can visiting a website virus your computer if you have JavaScript disabled?

2 votes

KikChat LFI/RFI exploit code?

2 votes

What information should I collect when a user performs an action on a website?

2 votes

Can wifi network administrators see if you are using a proxy?

1 vote

Do Public DNS servers log our DNS queries?

1 vote

Watering Hole Website NTLM Steal Attack

1 vote

My computer was probably infected by a virus from a professor

1 vote

Does the use of Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client cause additional privacy and security risks over operating system VPN?

1 vote

Can a antivirus software detect a malware that steals data?

1 vote

Is it possible to hack a database inside of local network by external attacker?

1 vote

Ways to exploit AD in context of Domain Computer account not as Domain user account?