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5 votes

Creating a custom wordlist for MS Word

There are approximately 50,000 words in the English language that are 5 characters or less. If you are sure that your password was comprised of two English words that are each 5 characters or less, ...
mti2935's user avatar
  • 24k
4 votes

Why are there often random email addresses in known password word lists?

There are a few reasons (and often all three are in play): Larger wordlists are often dirty. Unless the list is specifically filtered for likely noise / "junk" - such as the Crackstation &...
Royce Williams's user avatar
3 votes

Generate every alphanumerical combination in crunch within 8-20 characters in length

What you're asking is simply impossible. Not impossible as in you have a too slow computer - that can be solved with money. It's impossible as in physically impossible. You can't do what you ask. Your ...
vidarlo's user avatar
  • 17.6k
3 votes

Pentesters: Is it common for bruteforce/ dictionary attacks, e.g. for SSH username enumeration, to be successful in the real-world pentests?

Password brute-forcing against SSH isn't the first place I'll go to, in part because I tend to find a fairly low success rate, and also because many systems will have some kind of account lockout - ...
Gh0stFish's user avatar
  • 16.5k
3 votes

Why are there often random email addresses in known password word lists?

Presumably it's just people using their email address as their password..
Yaakov Saxon's user avatar
3 votes

John the ripper not able to crack the password

You are using the wrong syntax to specify the wordlist. There should be an equals sign = between --wordlist and the name of the wordlist. Wrong: john --format=dynamic_61 --wordlist dummy_wordlist.txt ...
Marco Nappi's user avatar
2 votes

How to generate a wordlist from a partially known password

Here is a Bash script (shortened from that reads your password(s) from a file and saves a password list with all the combinations of ambiguous characters, given as extra arguments. ...
Esa Jokinen's user avatar
  • 19.4k
2 votes

Why are there often random email addresses in known password word lists?

There are two main reasons: 1. People using them for privacy Some people are privacy oriented, and they will create random looking email addresses for different services. This way it's not easy to ...
ThoriumBR's user avatar
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2 votes

John the Ripper / Hashcat rule, reject candidate if char at position X is the same as character at position Y

You can make Hashcat output the list to stdout and pipe the output to a python script that filters it, then pipe the output to another instance of Hashcat (or John). hashcat --stdout [list generation ...
Khalid's user avatar
  • 303
1 vote

Need help generating list with crunch

You can do this easily with john's --stdout flag: $ cat words.txt ab word words wordss reallylongword $ john --stdout --wordlist=words.txt --...
Gh0stFish's user avatar
  • 16.5k
1 vote

why my Metasploit folder does not have wordlists folder (usr/share/)?

on kali, the standard path for wordlists is /usr/share/wordlists - you should find several subfolders there containing wordlists.
mhr's user avatar
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1 vote

Specify Amount of type of character Crunch

There's no way to do this with Crunch that I'm aware of. The only way I know of to do this is the generate all masks that conform to the composition rules using the policygen tool from the PACK ...
Royce Williams's user avatar
1 vote

Creating Wordlist from specific characters and numbers using Mentalist or similar program

There isn't really an off-the-shelf way to do this, at least without a pretty complicated mask rule in hashcat, but it's trivial to write up some code to do it. Here's some C# that very quickly builds ...
Polynomial's user avatar
  • 136k
1 vote

Wordlist generate: uppercase and each character appears only one

The python itertools module is handy for these types of problems. Here is a short python script that creates the list that you are looking for: import itertools maxlength=4 charlist=list('...
mti2935's user avatar
  • 24k
1 vote

Is there a utility you would use to create wordlists from directories and files?

You're much better off using the major cracking tools' built-in ability to ingest entire directories. For hashcat, just use a directory name where you would use a filename. Add rules with -r. Assuming ...
Royce Williams's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a utility you would use to create wordlists from directories and files?

You can use crunch for that: -q filename.txt Tells crunch to read filename.txt and permute what is read. This is like the -p option except it gets the input from file ‐name.txt crunch manual
mohammad's user avatar
1 vote

Wordlist generator with a certain pattern

You could use a tool like Generex to generate strings out of a regular expression. I think your case would be: [Aa]meri\d{3}\s?[Cc]a\s{0,4}# I limited the latter space to max 4 so the regex would be ...
ysf's user avatar
  • 26
1 vote

Breaking Wifi password knowing its length of 8 [A-Z] alpha (upper-case) characters using Hashcat

Is there any way to generate passwords (example: ABCDEFGH) and delete them after its use one by one, during the cracking process? Try a mask attack where you've defined the mask as 8 digits of ...
gowenfawr's user avatar
  • 73.3k

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