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Questions tagged [web-authentication]

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0 votes
1 answer

Specific Security Risks in Decentralized Identity and Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI)

I am exploring Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) as a decentralized approach to identity management, similar to how Bitcoin addresses financial systems through blockchain (as verifiable data registry (VDR)...
2 votes
1 answer

Storing a server secret in a user passkey user id

I want to implement passkey support as a full replacement for passwords but I have some server-side state that still needs to be encrypted to a specific user in a way that can not be decrypted or ...
1 vote
1 answer

Can I sufficiently protect my REST Service using shared Tokens?

I have a server exposing a REST service. I am thinking about a way to prevent unauthorized access to the service. Setup My current setup is as follows: The server uses SSL. There are exactly three ...
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0 answers

End user authN / authZ in a B2B2C setup

I am hosting a SaaS application that exposes an API and does authN using an API Key (M2M). An organization can subscribe to this SaaS and consume the API. The end user (customer) of the organization ...
0 votes
1 answer

Do 2FA Codes on the same device defeat their purpose? [duplicate]

I have my iPhone connected to my MacBook and receive SMS codes on my computer, which is very convenient. I also recently learned you can have an authentication app on your MacBook too. I just wonder ...
-1 votes
1 answer

What 2FA should I use for my website login and what are the risks of 2FA?

Now I know this website is not for asking for specific software recommendations, but for my website for work purposes (as mentioned in another question,) I feel I need a more secure login protocol ...
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0 answers

httpOnly Session Cookies in an iframe context in the future w/o SameSite=None

My website is using session cookies (w/ SameSite=Lax, secure, httpOnly attributes) and a CSRF Token stored in localStorage. Recently I developed a teams app, which essentially loads the website ...
0 votes
0 answers

storing user hashed password into webauthn id

I am building a pure client-side app. My users have a .kdbx vault stored in localStorage, and they can open it with a password. In order to add a biometric\quick open feature into the app I thought ...
1 vote
1 answer

Are JWT's needed when implementing passwordless magic link authentication?

I'm working on a web application where a user gains access by clicking on a magic link sent to them by an internal co-worker. Upon clicking this link, the user is automatically authenticated and a ...
2 votes
1 answer

How does the browser know windows logged in user id or Kerberos TGT?

My organization uses SSO for its applications i.e. Once a user logs into his Windows 10 workstation, he accesses his web application without login. I was informed that the web applications uses NetIQ ...
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0 answers

Refresh-token rotation without additional frontend requests

I'm implementing a refresh-token rotation mechanism. For the sake of simplicity in implementing the frontend I would like to remove the need for requesting a new access token when an old one expires. ...
-1 votes
1 answer

PATCH request on a login attempt

I have a problem deciding what is the most secure method to send a login request with a username and password strings, I understood that PATCH is less secure than PUT while both are less secure than ...
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2 answers

Is it a bad practice to send sensitive information(like a session id) in the aspx response?

Lets say I have an aspx login page which validates user credentials, obtains a session id and then redirects to the home page in the following way. login.aspx: var sessionId = ValidateCredentials(); ...
3 votes
3 answers

Hashing sessions and retrieving them using cookie(s) with session "id" and "token"

I'm implementing custom authentication & session management system in Node.js & PostgreSQL. My goal is to implement sessions that expire after 2 weeks (if not refreshed/renewed). OWASP and ...
0 votes
1 answer

Google Security Cookies; Prevents cookie leak to malicious XHRs

Below is an excerpt from The ‘pm_sess’, ‘YSC’ and ‘AEC’ cookies ensure that requests within a browsing session are made by the user, and not ...
1 vote
1 answer

Authentication on public availble Restful API

We are using an API from a third party for managing content which is secured by an API key which does not change over time. Now we are building our own API to support part of that functionality. So ...
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1 answer

Does using TouchID and WebAuthn with a password manager defeat the 2FA?

For quite some time WebKit and others support WebAuthn. This allows for a pretty seamless 2FA experience with a key, like Yubico. On Apple devices TouchID/FaceID can also be used as a hardware key. ...
1 vote
1 answer

Interpreting OWASP prohibition: no sensitive-account login to any frontend interface

OWASP’s Authentication Cheat Sheet states unequivocally: Do NOT allow login with sensitive accounts (i.e. accounts that can be used internally within the solution such as to a back-end / middle-ware /...
1 vote
1 answer

how wifi web authentication works?

Some wifi are open networks, but when we connect, it redirects to a web page for authentication. How does this work? how the future packets will be authenticated? Does it bind IP and MAC address (...
2 votes
1 answer

Creating secure website-based login for a desktop app

This question relates to this post I made on StackOverflow recently, which I'll recap here briefly. I have a desktop app that I would like to authenticate through a website, using the process outlined ...
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1 answer

What security concerns can arise from using HTTP Basic-Authentication? [duplicate]

During an engagement, i have been asked by a client to explain (with the use of one or more examples) why they must update their website authentication mechanism, as they are currently using HTTP ...
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0 answers

Authenticating (getting token) by making Http request

As the topic is a bit vague I have decided to ask you guys here what do you think and what is the best practice in given scenario.   Disclaimer: I am programmer, and although I know a bit about ...
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1 answer

HTTP authentication with client-side private key

I'm designing a web service meant for storing data for users, but these users don't have proper server-side accounts, just a random master key the user generated and stores on their device (a bip39 ...
22 votes
4 answers

How will biometrics be a safe way to authenticate users across the internet?

Let's say Alice created a new account on a service and this service saved her fingerprint as a way of logging in later. Then Alice creates a new account on a new service, but unfortunately this second ...
30 votes
9 answers

When does 'something you have' NOT become 'something you know'?

I am currently trying to get an understanding of multi factor authentication. The biggest issue so far: When does "something you have" NOT get reduced to "something you know"? I ...
2 votes
1 answer

CORS configuration for service with single browser client

Please note: although I mention Spring Boot (and by proxy, Java) I believe this is a pure HTTP/web development question at heart, and as such, can be answered by anyone with CORS-configuration ...
1 vote
3 answers

Use-case for decentralized identifiers (DIDs) with unique identities for each relationship

The W3C working group is working on the standardization of Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs). I watched a video presentation about DIDs and the presenter mentioned several times the possibility of ...
18 votes
4 answers

Is it possible to calculate an encryption key when both the plain text and ciphertext are known?

I have implemented an authentication system which works like this: Upon successful login, the server takes the username of client and encrypts it with AES-256. This ciphertext is stored in the ...
1 vote
2 answers

Is access token confidentiality also ensured in the Authorization Code grant type in Oauth2.0

One of the really nice articles I came across while trying to understand the various grant types in Oauth2.0 was this. The author really has done a good job at explaining quite clearly what various ...
1 vote
2 answers

How can I give users access to thier data without requiring any authentication? [closed]

The premise of this question boils down to frictionless access to data. I have User A whose records I have kept on a database. I want to send them a link to their records such that they can access ...
3 votes
1 answer

Web Authentication Offline

I've been working on a project and one of the requirements that came up is offline authentication. On the web what we would like to do is ask the user to login using their device authentication for ...
2 votes
2 answers

Is it necessary to force a newly registered user to login?

In a web application, is there a security advantage to forcing a newly registered user to manually log into their account, or is it safe to automatically log in a new registration? Assume that the ...
1 vote
1 answer

If we're signing the id we send to the client, why not send the user id instead of session id?

I am learning about auth and session management, and using express-session in Node js. I am not able to find the need for this package. I read a about it online, but didn't get a satisfying answer. ...
0 votes
0 answers

Is caching the credentials hash and auth result secure?

I have an API that is handling a lot of volume and is using Basic authorization. This is causing me some performance issues and I'd like to move to token based auth but for various reasons, including ...
2 votes
1 answer

Authenticate limited client devices from server without login process

I have limited client devices and one server. I want to create a client-server secure connection while app installation but don't want human-interaction between devices and server like registration or ...
0 votes
1 answer

How safe is my login system (conceptually)?

I implemented a 2FA authentication for a web app with PHP and Google Authenticator. In order to login to my system there are a few steps: User types in a complex master password in order to access ...
8 votes
2 answers

How good are Angular Route Guards from a security standpoint?

For an enterprise setting, how secure are Route Guards against script kiddies, hackers, and advanced threats? If I understand correctly, the route guards are all available in .js files to the ...
3 votes
1 answer

Browser not generating kerberos ticket

Firstly, please apologise me if I'm still confused about stuff here, Kerberos auth is quite the complex issue for a java dev So, I have the following scenario: A suite of webapps which use kerberos ...
3 votes
0 answers

Comprehensive list of mechanisms that automatically send authentication information in browsers

I'm trying to come up with a list of built-in mechanisms that either automatically send authentication information or automatically prompt the user to provide them in browsers. So far I have ...
3 votes
3 answers

Why are ASP.NET form authentication cookies deleted only on client side if client side can't be trusted?

ASP.NET documentation says: FormsAuthentication.SignOut() Removes the forms-authentication ticket from the browser Why is the cookie not invalidated at the server as well? It would be easy ...
1 vote
1 answer

FIDO2: will FIDO foundation MDS 1.0 metadata statements be migrated to MDS 2.0?

The FIDO foundation provides with metadata web service for UAF (MDS 1.0, and a new web services for FIDO2 / WebAuthn metadata (MDS 2.0, see
1 vote
1 answer

What is the motivation behind supporting both `none` and `self` attestation in WebAuthN?

WebAuthN seems to provide essentially two different ways of not performing verifiable attestation: Either by the Relying Party requesting none or by the authenticator choosing self attestation. Is ...