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24 votes

How to include multiple parameters in sqlmap POST request

You can just comma-separate the parameters you want to test. In a GET request: $ sqlmap -u "" -p "a,b" In a POST request: $ sqlmap -u "" --...
Arminius's user avatar
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13 votes

sqlmap load https request using "-r REQUESTFILE Load HTTP request from a file"

Found two possible solutions from --force-ssl: C:\Users\Oscar\Desktop\sqlmap-master>python -r testsite.txt --level=5 risk=3 --force-...
Ogglas's user avatar
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12 votes

What are the consequences of increasing the "--risk" option of sqlmap?

--level By default sqlmap will test all GET and POST parameters specified, however in some cases you might want to test additional entry points such as HTTP headers. It is possible to specify it with ...
OscarAkaElvis's user avatar
12 votes

Never use stored session in sqlmap

use --flush-session sample: sqlmap --flush-session -u ....
Hendry Ang's user avatar
8 votes

run sqlmap with http post request with encoding data

Sqlmap supports multiple ways to process parameters with custom code. You can use --eval to base64-encode a single parameter, like so: --eval "import base64; paramname = base64.b64encode(paramname)" ...
Arminius's user avatar
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7 votes

Using sqlmap --crawl without asking questions

Try this out: --answers="follow=Y" --batch From SQLmap wiki: Act in non-interactive mode Switch: --batch If you want sqlmap to run as a batch tool, without any user's interaction when ...
Soufiane Tahiri's user avatar
7 votes

How limit request rate of sqlmap?

From the SQLMap man pages: --delay=DELAY Delay in seconds between each HTTP request
Nomad's user avatar
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6 votes

Possible to use sqlmap when URL changes after each request?

Tools are seldom written generic enough to handle obscure test-cases. It might be tempting to blame the tool for its shortcomings, but more often the problem is obscure/non-generic, and should be ...
Dog eat cat world's user avatar
6 votes

Understanding SQLMAP payload

I assume that it is a MySQL database. 1749 (is greater that 0) and nQtm (valid alias - "variable name" for derived table) were chosen randomly by sqlmap. The problem with sleep(N) is that ...
Awaaaaarghhh's user avatar
5 votes

What are the consequences of increasing the "--risk" option of sqlmap?

--risk is explained correctly in the answer by OscarAkaElvis. However, --level not only looks for parameters in more places ("injection points") such as cookies and other headers but also ...
Luc's user avatar
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4 votes

SQLMAP injection point

Make sure your URL does not contain any SQL injection snippets. The URL should be valid. Also try using * on the parameter like so:* Make sure your request is a valid GET ...
Robert's user avatar
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4 votes

SQLMap Cookie Injectioin with Working Manual SQLi

First of MariaDB is supported through MySQL engine in SQLmap so the parameter you have there --dbms "MariaDB" is wrong. There are different reasons that each of your three commands are not ...
kampias's user avatar
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3 votes

MariaDB SQL Injection vulnerability?

I could be wrong, but I'm fairly certain that your main problem is that you are attempting to do mysql injection wrong. As a general rule of thumb, if a payload can trigger an SQL syntax error then ...
Conor Mancone's user avatar
3 votes

How to make sqlmap exploit an SQLi vulnerability

Since you mentioned that you found a boolean based blind SQli, you will require a sqlmap input such as the one below: #sqlmap -u "http://host/path?param=123" --technique=B --level=5 --risk=3 --random-...
Nipun Jaswal's user avatar
3 votes

techniques of sql injection (boolean based, UNION query-based, stacked queries and time-based blind)

Boolean based sql injection is useful when the server doesnt return any information to you which is often the case. If you can determine that the response is different based on whether the sql ...
joe's user avatar
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3 votes

How to make Sqlmap obtain administrator rights for database?

1) If you are inserting into a SELECT/UPDATE/DELETE query you can only issue INSERT statements if stacked queries are available (you have to close the original query and start a new SQL statement). ...
buherator's user avatar
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3 votes

Can sqlmap be used on telnet?

SQLmap has no native support for Telnet, and it's not clear that it would handle typical telnet (or similar protocol) responses in a useful way: it makes use of (among other things) the status code ...
Matthew's user avatar
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3 votes

SQL injection with an auto-incrementing parameter

You can use the --eval parameter of SQLMap, in theory: -data='{"id": 1}' --eval "f = open('cnt.txt','r+'); id = int(f.readline());,0); f.write(str(id+1)); f.close()" See http://aetherlab....
Matthew's user avatar
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3 votes

Dump specific rows from database using sqlmap

You can use --where to specify a constraint (for example you could do --where "ID=1000" to return only the record with an ID of 1000) or you can use the standard --start/--stop parameters. As per ...
kalina's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there any way to find all the endpoints for any website for sql injection?

There are quite a few tools out there that can help find vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection points - none of these will find all of them. Blackbox testing - This is described by Vipul in his ...
Egret's user avatar
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3 votes

Can sqlmap test for SQL injection in Basic Authentication?

For the record I was able to do this with sqlmap -u "[URL]" --headers="Authorization: Basic *" --ignore-code 401 --tamper=base64encode --suffix=":password"
STM's user avatar
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3 votes

Using sqlmap for detecting SQLi on Juice shop's login page

First of all always try to minimize usage of --threads when you are facing problems and consider testing with something like --delay=1 as the service might not work normally in high load. I started ...
fgeek's user avatar
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3 votes

Why are MySQL injections more limited than MS-SQL attacks?

why it appears MySQL is ... Appears to whom? Appears to you? Only you know that. In security there is no "appears". Either particular attack is possible or not. Nothing in this whole video ...
mentallurg's user avatar
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2 votes

Can the server crash while testing with the sqlmap tool?

Firewalls don't block you by cookie. (But to double-check, you can always try incognito mode). Most likely you got IP banned by the WAF. Since VPN is using a different protocol and has nothing to do ...
Rápli András's user avatar
2 votes

SQLMap: How to dump tables that begin with a specific letter?

$ python -u ""\ --dump -T users [...] Database: Firebird_masterdb Table: USERS [4 entries] +----+--------+------------+ | ID | NAME |...
jianan huang's user avatar
2 votes

Insert query in sqlmap causes error

Instead of modifying/continuing the 'current' query with a Boolean-, Error-, Time- or Union-based injection (for example ' OR 1=1 --) which normally makes it possible to only read out all databases, ...
UndercoverDog's user avatar
2 votes

someone trying to SQLi server using sqlmap

You can do an agent check, which will stop those who are dumb enough not to change the agent - block any request with an agent string that includes 'sqlmap' However, I will note that if you are ...
crovers's user avatar
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2 votes

Sqlmap: bypass website security filtering SQL reserved words

I had a similar situation with a test, the applicationn used SQL server, there was a WAF filtering the data input, then I couldn't use reserved words, because the WAF was blocking the reserved words. ...
hmrojas.p's user avatar
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2 votes

Trying to tunnel a reverse shell out of an internal network

I have solved my issue. TL;DR: TCP 53 was available to incoming/outgoing traffic When checking which protocols were allowed through the firewall, I was checking DNS by using 'host' and '...
user0809452345's user avatar
2 votes

How can I use sqlmap to get only a certain number of records in SQL Server using a LIMIT and OFFSET?

--sql-query Like Arminius said, you can use --sql-query to specify an ordinary SQL statement. Provided you know the table/database name, you could use something like this: --sql-query="use db; ...
Mark Buffalo's user avatar
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