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7 votes

Could an attacker spoof a whitelisted IP to access the network?

Nothing prevents an attacker from getting at least one IP packet through to a destination IP address behind a firewall if the hacker spoof's a whitelisted IP address for the packet's source IP address....
Zig Shanklin's user avatar
7 votes

What are the benefits of using IP whitelists to secure cloud servers/resources?

Security benefits: If an attacker had stole your client credentials then he or she will have an additional trouble connecting to your server. Basically the intruder will have to connect from one of ...
Konstantin's user avatar
5 votes

Network Defense- White listing IPs/Ports

Assuming that your side initiates every communication, then yes, blocking every connection to your machine from IP addresses you didn't connect to is a good idea. But note that this is firewall ...
Out of Band's user avatar
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5 votes

Why should class names be whitelisted?

The problem is when user-specified HTML is included together with your own HTML and application logic on the same page. It is common that the application logic depends on the content or location of ...
Steffen Ullrich's user avatar
5 votes

How to allow access from just one IP in htaccess

If you allow from one IP and deny the rest (once you get the syntax correct), then only the one IP can connect. Another computer can spoof that IP, but then all traffic would end up going to that IP ...
schroeder's user avatar
  • 132k
4 votes

What are the benefits of using IP whitelists to secure cloud servers/resources?

Managing an IP whitelist can be administratively difficult if new clients are added or the IPs change. This can create outages for some clients while you update the whitelist. You also have to ...
schroeder's user avatar
  • 132k
3 votes

Whitelist Simulated phishing landing page

Is there a way to whitelist our landing pages with google and the other browser makers, so even though they look like phishing pages, they don't get blacklisted in the future? I think this would be a ...
Steffen Ullrich's user avatar
3 votes

On-site Whitelisting vs. Off-site Cisco VPN

From a very basic perspective, yes, being onsite is safer. The key reason being that there is a smaller attack surface. If you are connecting in via a VPN, there are numerous additional items which ...
Rory Alsop's user avatar
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3 votes

How effective is MAC whitelisting on a Wireless Access Point?

MAC Whitelisting as well as Blacklisting are pretty much useless for security. Your strong WPA/2 passphrase however is great (if WPS isn't enabled). As kub0x said, the Layer 2 info isn't encrypted. ...
Nicholas Dechert's user avatar
3 votes

Has there ever been a country that implemented whitelist-based internet censorship?

North Korea comes to mind. Most North Korean users only have access to Kwangmyong national network controlled by the government. This can be viewed as an extreme case of a whitelist-based approach to ...
A. Darwin's user avatar
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3 votes

How safe I am without antivirus on Windows 7 with restricted security policy enabled?

In depth defense recommends that you put multiple defense lines to protect your system against as much attack vectors as possible. What you describe sounds good because you try hard to control what ...
Serge Ballesta's user avatar
3 votes

As a Software Industry Editor, how to avoid my software being quarantined?

Most AV vendors have some form of a "Trusted Software Vendor List". Any binary signed by a vendor on this list automatically gets trusted, so you do not have to beg for each binary to be whitelisted. ...
schroeder's user avatar
  • 132k
3 votes

Risks associated with IP whitelisting

As with many/most/all things in security, this will depend on the threat model of the service(s) you're looking to protect. The downside of IP address whitelisting as a single control is that it ...
Rory McCune's user avatar
  • 62.6k
2 votes

If LDAP credentials are leaked, is IP whitelist still sufficient protection?

There usually is a reason to use more than one way to protect services. Combining credentials with access-lists ensures that one of those can fail without having to deal with an immediate emergency. ...
Teun Vink's user avatar
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2 votes

Difference between Knowledge-based IDS and behavior-based IDS

Knowledge-based is like a signature-based anti-virus: you populate a database of "badness" and look for those things. Behaviour-based learns what is normal for the network over time, then alerts on ...
schroeder's user avatar
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2 votes

Is SSH public key authentication sufficient for protecting a server if IP Whitelisting is disabled?

How much of a security risk is it in the short term to drop the white list while we work with this developer? Quite much none, if you and the other developers protect their keys (store encrypted ...
Jakuje's user avatar
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2 votes

Is IP whitelisting safe enough for a HTTP Basic protected service available on the internet?

Just some clarifications/assumptions on my part based on your question. You would like to expose a micro-service API running on Kubernetes to the internet. The API in question is running on top of an ...
Connor Peoples's user avatar
2 votes

What are the benefits of using IP whitelists to secure cloud servers/resources?

The white-list access to a server for only known client IPs is something I have encountered occasionally and is an effective layer in a defense in depth approach. Here are the pros I see: By fully ...
ChrisLoris's user avatar
2 votes

How to allow access from just one IP in htaccess

Code for the current version of Apache (2.4) Require ip xx.yy.zz.kk Require all denied Is it possible to have access from other IP address? No, unless the source IP gets spoofed by the attacker Or ...
usr-local-ΕΨΗΕΛΩΝ's user avatar
2 votes

Is an IP based whitelist practical for controlling internet use?

In the vast majority of cases, no. Lots of sites will use CDNs and other mechanisms that mean they may have multiple IP addresses, so whitelisting them all will be impractical. You may also have ...
Gh0stFish's user avatar
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2 votes

SQL injection using “True” or “Null”

The error message in question doesn't say anything about SQL or blacklisting. It looks like a plain old bug, caused by the string "true" being misinterpreted as the boolean value true within ...
Ja1024's user avatar
  • 23.4k
2 votes

Is it possible to make whitelisted software do custom, malicious things?

Yes, it is. That's how almost every buffer overflow attack happens. After gaining a foothold, there's lots of ways to exfiltrate data, even with a firewall in the way. One way is to install an ...
ThoriumBR's user avatar
  • 55.5k
2 votes

Is it possible to make whitelisted software do custom, malicious things?

Assuming you already have code execution (that is, the keylogger is executing code, not just e.g. a hardware device) then yes, it's nearly impossible to successfully allow only approved software to do ...
CBHacking's user avatar
  • 52.3k
1 vote

Is IP whitelisting safe enough for a HTTP Basic protected service available on the internet?

HTTP Basic Auth over HTTPS would be as secure as any login form via HTTPS. It’s OK to authenticate users in this way. Of course now you should worry about every HTTPS detail: certificate pinning / ...
Andrew Morozko's user avatar
1 vote

IP-whitelisting for DB access, does solution fit best practices?

VPN Although your whole company no longer uses a VPN; you can still use a VPN. You can provision a VPN that is only used for this scenario: Create a VPN server (plenty out there to choose from) ...
Kind Contributor's user avatar
1 vote

What port state to expect from Nmap when scanning ports that are open only to specific IP addresses

It really depends on the firewall configuration, but almost every one will give back the default Port Closed message. If the default firewall behavior is to drop the package, it will be dropped. If is ...
ThoriumBR's user avatar
  • 55.5k
1 vote

Could an attacker spoof a whitelisted IP to access the network?

I'm not entirely sure what you're asking. If you're asking, "are there other controls that a defender can use to prevent inbound connections from spoofed IPs?", then yes; TTLs or other metadata of ...
Angelo Schilling's user avatar
1 vote

domain names with email whitelisting

The sending of SPAM is not necessarily related to whitelisting of domains and IP addresses. You can get spam from whitelisted domains if users accounts are compromised or if the whitelisted domain is ...
Julian Knight's user avatar
1 vote

Whitelist Application For Windows Server 2012

Is it worth at all to change Blacklist to Whitelist? Possibly. Whitelists are nearly always better but hard to say for sure from what you've said. Could you suggest me some solutions that are ...
Julian Knight's user avatar
1 vote

Has there ever been a country that implemented whitelist-based internet censorship?

Turkey has that, but as an option. It is called "çocuk profili" (Turkish for child profile).
Erkin Alp Güney's user avatar

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