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4 votes

Given extensive protections in modern operating systems that make buffer overflow exploits unfeasible, should I even bother studying these?

Other answers have described scenarios when these protections are deliberately disabled, but I think there's another important angle to answer here. The main premise of your question - that modern ...
ymbirtt's user avatar
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8 votes

Given extensive protections in modern operating systems that make buffer overflow exploits unfeasible, should I even bother studying these?

In addition to the other answers, it's probably worth mentioning that the protections you quote are mostly there to prevent injection of code to execute (e.g. I send data that exceed the buffer, the ...
jcaron's user avatar
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4 votes

Given extensive protections in modern operating systems that make buffer overflow exploits unfeasible, should I even bother studying these?

They are more rare, but there are still sometimes reasons to bypass overflow protections You don't see it very much in business infrastructures, but when talking about things like videogames, physics ...
Nosajimiki's user avatar
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26 votes

Given extensive protections in modern operating systems that make buffer overflow exploits unfeasible, should I even bother studying these?

If exploitation only becomes feasible when protections are deliberately disabled, doesn’t this shift the issue from being a vulnerability to a misconfiguration problem? Security misconfiguration is ...
andycaine's user avatar
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