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Making a keepass database more resilient against stealing of the file and potential cryptographic attacks done on that copy

I don't think it's that easy to protect the file itself, but there are still some options: Use a master password that is as complex as possible. If necessary, think about using a key file, see also: ...
localhostport80's user avatar
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Making a keepass database more resilient against stealing of the file and potential cryptographic attacks done on that copy

As well as just keeping your KeePass on a USB stick rather than on your computer (obviously secured with a strong passphrase*), KeePass also supports the use of keyfiles. So you could keep the DB ...
Gh0stFish's user avatar
  • 14.7k
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Making a keepass database more resilient against stealing of the file and potential cryptographic attacks done on that copy

Use a strong pass phrase. Use enough rounds for the key derivation function to slow down attackers. Everything else is just obscurity.
vidarlo's user avatar
  • 17k

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