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Does Windows 11 PIN Behavior Break Password Security Conventions?

There is one case when knowing the PIN length helps the attacker: if your PIN is in the list of most common PINs then it helps the attacker narrow down the PINs to try, and possibly find the right one ...
jcaron's user avatar
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What is the logic of using numbers for Windows PIN?

PINs are widely known (pretty much everybody has a PIN-protected bank card or smartphone), easy to remember and convenient to type in. So it makes sense to offer this as an authentication option. This ...
Ja1024's user avatar
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5 votes

Does Windows 11 PIN Behavior Break Password Security Conventions?

PINs are already much "weaker" in that sense than best-practice passphrases should be. Yes, it's true that leaking the length of the PIN weakens it somewhat. Encouraging users to pick 4- or ...
Steve Jessop's user avatar
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20 votes

Does Windows 11 PIN Behavior Break Password Security Conventions?

You are trying to compare a password and a PIN. PIN security conventions are that PIN lengths are not a secret. Password conventions are that a password length should be secret (with mins and maximums ...
schroeder's user avatar
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15 votes

Does Windows 11 PIN Behavior Break Password Security Conventions?

Hiding the length of a PIN is only security through obscurity, which doesn’t really add much anyway, considering that a 4-digit PIN has 10,000 combinations (a 6-digit 1,000,000, and an 8-digit a ...
security_paranoid's user avatar

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